Sunday, June 17, 2012

Do you know how much bacteria you eat everyday?

In this class, we had a special guest speaker,Ms.DeRossitte who is Craighead County Extension Agent.  She talked about food safety this time, including preparing, frozening, heating, and storing food.
Can you image what is it?

This is a food monitor. You can test the food safe enough or not before you cook it.
And these picture will show you how to use it.

Temperature is an important factor in food safety. In moist foods, harmful bacteria grow best in the temperature danger zone (41 to 140). DeRossitte told students how to thaw
food correctly. It could be put in the refrigerator at 40or less, or in cool running water at 70 or less. Microwave is available if food need be cooked immediately. But if thaw foods on countertop at room temperature is the wrong way. As DeRossitte said, because of the danger zone.

Bacteria and viruses are everywhere, and they are the most common cause of food poisoning. Ms. DeRossitte showed how to wash hands properly, how to prevent cross contamination, how to keep food in refrigerator correctly, and how to reheat the food. She also brought her own tools and showed us how to use them check the food in the daily life.  After this class, I realized the food safety depend on food choice, preparation and cooking and so on.

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