Sunday, June 24, 2012

ASU Farm Market

I go to market every week, but this is my first went to ASU Farmers' Market. So excited!


The ASU Regional Farmers' Market is a non-profit entity for the purpose of developing and operating a locally owned and operated farmers' market in Jonesboro and the surrounding area. This was created to give the small farmer, craftsperson, and plant grower a local marketplace for their products, as well as to provide the community access to its own local growers and craftspeople.

Buy Local

Food grown locally is fresher, more nutritious and tastes better.
  • Most produce travels an average of 1500 miles before it lands on your plate.
  • Local vegetables and fruit are bred for flavor, not for their ability to hold up in transit.

  • Buying local food is better for community. When you purchase local food you are keeping your money circulating in your community and also maintaining green space & rural character by sustaining family farms.

  • Small and mid-size farms generally use sustainable agricultural practices safeguarding the quality of our water and soil. Consider how much fuel it takes to truck produce and goods from another country to Arkansas as well as the pollution emitted in the process!

  • When you buy locally you're providing small farmers with a stable market and fair price for their products.

  • Buying from local food sources provides personal security in having access to food you trust and security for your community in helping it become more sustainable.

Expected items:
Locally Grown: tomatoes -green & ripe, cherry tomatoes, plants, flowers, lettuce, potatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, egg plant, , raspberries, blackberries, Culp honey, Nine Oaks Beef, Once upon a Farm pork, farm fresh eggs, onions, lettuce, greens, apples, green beans, peas, melons, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, beets, fresh ground coffee, fresh baked bread, baked goods, fried pies, and handmade crafts -- aprons, jewelry, artwork, willow furniture, pens, and much more!!

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