Monday, July 2, 2012

Mroning!Crowley's Ridge Nature Center

Owl, tortoise, crocodile,  deers, wolf, flower and fresh air, such a prefect morning! This morning, we were visiting the Crowley's Ridge Nature Center.

 The education complex features an exhibit area, observation tower, meeting rooms, Discovery room, auditorium, gift shop and offices. The focus of Forrest L. Wood Crowley’s Ridge Nature Center is the area's unique topography and natural history and wildlife of Crowley’s Ridge as well as its contrast to the surrounding Delta.
The complex is designed to help the visitor experience the

range of different habitats and encourage exploration of the

site. The main level of the center features an exhibit hall and

 auditorium which present the story of the ridge’s formation

and its wildlife through several hands-on exhibits and a

special 16-minute feature film with animation and special

 effects. A two-story diorama, visible from the main and

lower levels of the center, introduces visitors to the special

plants, animals, and hydrology of the ridge landscape. The

Crow’s Nest on the upper level of the center presents a bird’s

eye view over the center’s diverse landscape to the ridge and Delta south of the site.

Then the nature center has lot of animal specimen, such as wolf, bear, deer, owl, duck, fish, turkey and so on. Moreover, we can listen to the animal sounds from the sound simulator. I pushed the button and listened the different turkey sounds that are box call, tube call, and diaphragm call, but for me I didn't think it has big different between those there.
There are a lot of tortoise in the river. They enjoyed the sunshine leisurely.
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